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Through contributions, program sponsorships or in-kind products and services, these partners make it their business to help the local Madison youth and families. The companies and people listed here have made continual, significant contributions, directly or in-kind since 1994.

Freddi Adelson

Dr. Sandra Adell

Agrace Hospice Care

Peter Albert

 Ronald and Anna Albrecht

Jane Albright

Aldi Smart Kids

Alliant Energy Foundation

Fernando & Carla Alvarado

American Family Insurance

 Michael Anderson

Associated Bank

Badger Office Supplies

H. John Ball

 Vicki Bankston

Barnes & Noble Booksellers

Mary and Chuck Belin Geraldine Bernard

Lamarr & Cheryl Billups

Borders Book Store

 Peter and Debra Brey

Dr. Anthony Brown

Richard Brown

William Brown

Mattie Brown

Percy & Virginia Brown

Mary Burke

Benjamin & Rosalind Bryant

Angela Byars-Winston

Capital Times Kids Fund

Patricia Cartwright

Denise Carty

Ed Clarke


Alphonso Cooper

Frederick B. Crawford

S.M. and Diane J. Crear

Community Pharmacy

Donald Cooper

Copp’s Food Center

Felicia and Keith Cornille

Cub Foods

Culver’s Frozen Custard

Cuna Mutual Group

Dairy Queen

Delta Dental

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Milton and Joan Diehl

Cindy Douglas

Dearborn Edwards

Judith Emmrich


Epsilon Rho Chapter of

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Bob Esser

Thomas Evans

Famous Footwear

First Federal Bank

Flad & Associates

Kevin Foley

Arnold & Carola Gaines

Pauline Gardner

General Casualty Insurance Co.

Chere C. Gibson

Jonathan D. Gramling

Green Bay Packers Foundation

Jeff Greenheck

Guaranty Bank

Kelley Harris-Johnson

Heartland Credit Union

Heritage Credit Union (Richard J. Grath Endowment Fund)

John Huth Greist

George Lenart Greist

Gtech Corporation

Gary & Gaila Hagg-Olsen

David and Betty Hart

Elisabeth R. Hayes

Virginia M. Henderson

It’s All About You Books, Inc.

Mary Ann Jackson

Carol Jeffries

Mazie Jenkins

Gary Johnson

Margaret M. Johnson

James E. Jones, Jr.

Joan Jones

Barbara Keresty

Kids Fund, Inc.

Kinko’s Copies

Irwin Klibaner

Sharon A. Knoop

Isadore Knox

R. Sharon Koenen

Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.

Kohl’s Food Store

Dr. Burton W. Kreitlow

Helaine Kriegel


Robert Kuehling

Gloria Ladson-Billings

Charles Billings

Barbara Lam

Lands’ End

Howard Landsman

Afred Limbrick

Kathleen & Gerald Lindas

 Madison Rotary Foundation

Dennis McClain

Dwight McDonald

Candace McDowell

Althea A. McLeod

Milton McPike

Meicher CPA

Roberta Meyer

Madison Gas &

Electric Foundation

Tim Miller

Akira and Charlotte Miura

Peggy Howard Moore

Jim and Mary Moser

Ruth Murphy


Nick’s Restaurant

Robert and Martha Nolan

Lionel & Bernadette Norton

Harry & Edjuana Ogden

Old National Bank

Omega Life Membership Foundation, Inc.

Ovens of Brittany

Jonathan Overby

Aretha Pearson

Charles Calvin Peevy

Mary Pennel

Patricia Mullen-Peterson

Mathew Peterson

Stephanie Bradley-Peterson

Pizza Hut

Placon Corporation


The MacArthur Foundation

Maria M. Porro-Nigh

Alda Preston

Promega Corporation

Richard Ralston

Fred Ransom

Mike Reid

Carol Reuter

Kathy Raschke

Vincent & Tiajuana Rice

Lewis H. & Velma J. Ritcherson

Jacqueline Rodman

Rotary Club of South Madison

Janaan Noonan-Sampson

Sam’s Club

Melvin O. Seamans

Barbara Rehmann-Seguin

Lynn R. & Daniel L. Shafel

Myrtle B. & Anthony Shanks

Sherry Simmons

Spaightwood Galleries

Bruce C. & Judy


Summit Credit Union

Jerry E. Smith, Jr.

Leotha Stanley

Dr. Linda Stewart


Story Bridge Studio

Hazel Symonette

Rob Terry

Wilson & Eileen Thiede

Amy Jo Thorton

Joseph & Gloria Thomas

Al Toon

Trek Bicycle

UW Credit Union

Ray & Joan Unrein

UW Health/UnityPoint Health-Meriter & Quartz

Helena Vander Ark

Walmart Foundation

Dana Warren

Al Whitaker

Darrell Williams

Wisconsin State Journal

Youth Services, Inc.

Woodman’s Corporation

WPS Charitable Foundation

Brennan Wright

Jacqueline Wright

Ana Zambie

Zeta Phi Beta, Sorority, Inc.

© 1994 by Carter G. Woodson Community Service Foundation created by ADB Innovatives

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P.O. Box 1401, Madison, WI 53701

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